Monday, January 1, 2007

Fun things to do to piss roomates off part 1

1. Call a housemate's cell phone at 3am demanding that they make you a sandwich, even though you are down the hall from them. If they hang up, leave an angry note on their door in the morning calling them "self-centered assholes."

2. Go away for the weekend and lock the door to your room while leaving "The Final Countdown" playing as loud as possible on an endless loop. (make sure nobody has a key)

3. Make a point of using the last of the toilet paper then hiding whatever new rolls are in the bathroom, it makes for a fun toilet-time game.

4. Anytime anyone enters your room spray them with axe for at least 10 seconds, if they ask why just mumble something incoherent about germs.

5. Beat off on the couch you all sit on, while you're all sitting on it.

6. Steal your housemate's cell phone and change the language to French.

7. Find your roomates' exam schedule and the night before any of them has a test make a point of blasting country music while running around the house naked with a cowboy hat.

8. If the Disney Channel is not on the TV at any given time then complain loudly drowning out whatever is on until the channel is changed. If a girl comes into the room make fun of your roomates for watching the Disney Channel.

9. Invite wasted people at bars to "sleep it off" in your roomate's bed.

10. Yell at the T.V. not only during sports, but during any show.

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